Saturday, August 29, 2009
Dean's List
This week on Wendesday was the happiest day for me, other than my wedding day!!! I received a letter from my university stating that I made the Dean's List last quarter. They were going to be honoring my academic excellence!! Me? Laura? Laura Loftus? I am so happy because I worked so hard throghout this very long journey to get good grades and to continue raising the bar for myself that I feel the hard work is finally paying off. I told my boss and he made a copy of it for his file and for his boss' file! That is great considering I am preparing to apply for another position when it comes available. Oh joy, what a glorious day!!
Lake Las Vegas
Last weekend I went to Lake Las Vegas with my friends David, Corey & Heather. David & Corey had just bought a condominium in the village at Lake Las Vegas, so as a fun weekend to celebrate their puchase and my finishing school, we packed up and flew down. It was only a two-hour flight and we were able to get decenlty priced tickets. Heather moved to Orange County, CA three months agao, so she flew over from California and the flights were timed so perfectly that we landed within minutes of each other and didn't have to wait around at the airport.
When we left Seattle it was drizzling and when we landed in Vegas I immediately changed into shorts bedcause it was 112!! I love the dry heat but this was intense. The first night we were there they had high desert winds blowing through and it felt so nice, even if it did feel like I had a hairdryer blowing on me 24/7. The next couple of days were much cooler with temperatures in the high 90s.
Lake Las Vegas is about 30 minutes or so East of the Las Vegas Strip so we didn't have to deal with the throngs of people, which is what we were trying to avoid. The village is so nice because you basically unpack and you have all of your restaurants, recreation and lounging within waling distance from where you are staying. We were able to get out and swim, walk, and enjoy sights like the Hoover Dam. We had a great time listening to music in the park and eating wonderful dinners. My favoite part, though, was lounging by the pool and riding on the waterslide. What a blast! I felt like a kid again. :) I can't wait to go back!!

Heather, Me, Corey & David 
Storm moving across the valley

Water line at Hoover Dam

Night view from the Condo

View of the village from Lake Las Vegas

Hoover Dam
When we left Seattle it was drizzling and when we landed in Vegas I immediately changed into shorts bedcause it was 112!! I love the dry heat but this was intense. The first night we were there they had high desert winds blowing through and it felt so nice, even if it did feel like I had a hairdryer blowing on me 24/7. The next couple of days were much cooler with temperatures in the high 90s.
Lake Las Vegas is about 30 minutes or so East of the Las Vegas Strip so we didn't have to deal with the throngs of people, which is what we were trying to avoid. The village is so nice because you basically unpack and you have all of your restaurants, recreation and lounging within waling distance from where you are staying. We were able to get out and swim, walk, and enjoy sights like the Hoover Dam. We had a great time listening to music in the park and eating wonderful dinners. My favoite part, though, was lounging by the pool and riding on the waterslide. What a blast! I felt like a kid again. :) I can't wait to go back!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Another Happy Couple
August 16th was Kevin & Param's wedding. The ceremony was beautiful and their vows tugged at the heartstrings. This wedding venue was incredible. It was on the top floor (75) of the tallest building in Seattle, the Columbia Tower. Needless to say, we had to take two sets of elevators to get to the top and my ears were popping the entire way. It was a little scary at one point when I thought about how those who were in the Twin Towers during 9/11 may have felt. But, I quickly erased those thoughts from my mind and enjoyed the beutiful scenery. It was a clear day and the view was amazing. You basically have a panoramic view of the city and when it is sunny and clear you can see for miles.
What's funny is that we met Kevin and Param at Troy's cousins weddings. First Richelle's, then Dustin and then Drew's weddings. Kevin is one of Drew's best friends and is like a member of Drew's family, so everyone who has spent time with the Seattle Hanfts has likely met Kevin. Our friends, Kelly and Jen, we also met through Kevin and Param and we love them!
K & P are a beautiful couple and are blessed to have the family and friends they do in their lives. It was great to see everyone dancing and having a fun time. Congratulations Kevin & Param!
Kevin & Param

Kelly & Jen

Views of Seattle

What's funny is that we met Kevin and Param at Troy's cousins weddings. First Richelle's, then Dustin and then Drew's weddings. Kevin is one of Drew's best friends and is like a member of Drew's family, so everyone who has spent time with the Seattle Hanfts has likely met Kevin. Our friends, Kelly and Jen, we also met through Kevin and Param and we love them!
K & P are a beautiful couple and are blessed to have the family and friends they do in their lives. It was great to see everyone dancing and having a fun time. Congratulations Kevin & Param!

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Grandma Rockafield
Sunday, August 9, 2009
We ♥ Idaho
The last week of July was the family camping trip in Idaho. I worked frantically to wrap up two of my classes before we left and the thought of going camping at one of the most beautiful places I have ever been, Alturas Lake, was my motivation and reward. What I love most about going to visit Troy's family is how much everyone genuinely loves to spend time together hanging out, talking, laughing, playing games and just having a great time.
The day we left for the lake Troy and I rode with Tyler, Tracy, Abby, Bo and caravanned with Tanner and Chelsey. It was nice to have the time with them because we don't get to see them very often. Bo was fine most of the way, a few snorts and heavy breaths on my neck but overall he is a good boy. Abby liked to share her Nillas with Uncle Troy and Aunt Laura so we got a long just fine. :) She is growing up so fast!
When we got to camp we unloaded and set up everything and settled in for a few days of good eating, hiking, swimming, games, walks, bike rides, camp fires, mosquitos, fishing, smores, dutch ovens, picnics, ladies hair washing, celebrating Ryann's birthday, bears in campgrounds, and so on...I love how fresh the air is, how close the stars seem, how uncrowded the campgrounds are and the family time together.
On the way home we had just left Alturas and had to stop at Smiley Creek Campground because it looked like Travis' trailer was going to go flying off the road. The boys had to re-distribute the weight and so the girls had milkshakes. YUM. I just had to. We drove across another pass outside of Sun Valley that had a scary road up the mountain. IT WAS STEEP!!! We stopped for lunch at Park Creek and then went on to Fall Creek, where I fell in (2x). After that, I was really ready to go home. I slept so good that night. The afternoon before we left Tyler let Troy and I ride 4-Wheelers at their house. It was so fun! I have never done it before and was screaming like a hyena...I'm sure the cows wondered what the crazy lady in their pasture was doing. We had a great time!
I had a hard time picking only a few pictures, so here are several. We can't wait to see everyone again at Christmas!
Pettit Lake

Fall Creek

Fall Creek

Stanley Lake

Falling in Fall Creek

Blake who LOVED the water at Alturas

Brothers with Dad at Fall Creek

Abby with Grandpa

Kaylee in Camp

Us at Stanley Lake

Alyssa & Tanner having fun

Happy baby Hunter

Lady Leisure Walkers Aftyn and Grandma


Abby learning the pump early

Troy LOVED this picture of Abby...what a great face!


Blake and Grant at Stanley Lake
The day we left for the lake Troy and I rode with Tyler, Tracy, Abby, Bo and caravanned with Tanner and Chelsey. It was nice to have the time with them because we don't get to see them very often. Bo was fine most of the way, a few snorts and heavy breaths on my neck but overall he is a good boy. Abby liked to share her Nillas with Uncle Troy and Aunt Laura so we got a long just fine. :) She is growing up so fast!
When we got to camp we unloaded and set up everything and settled in for a few days of good eating, hiking, swimming, games, walks, bike rides, camp fires, mosquitos, fishing, smores, dutch ovens, picnics, ladies hair washing, celebrating Ryann's birthday, bears in campgrounds, and so on...I love how fresh the air is, how close the stars seem, how uncrowded the campgrounds are and the family time together.
On the way home we had just left Alturas and had to stop at Smiley Creek Campground because it looked like Travis' trailer was going to go flying off the road. The boys had to re-distribute the weight and so the girls had milkshakes. YUM. I just had to. We drove across another pass outside of Sun Valley that had a scary road up the mountain. IT WAS STEEP!!! We stopped for lunch at Park Creek and then went on to Fall Creek, where I fell in (2x). After that, I was really ready to go home. I slept so good that night. The afternoon before we left Tyler let Troy and I ride 4-Wheelers at their house. It was so fun! I have never done it before and was screaming like a hyena...I'm sure the cows wondered what the crazy lady in their pasture was doing. We had a great time!
I had a hard time picking only a few pictures, so here are several. We can't wait to see everyone again at Christmas!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
2009 Red Carpet Tour
The Red Carpet Tour with the Horseless Carriage Club this year was a lot of fun. Troy and I volunteered to assit with maps and tour routes around the Olympic Penninsula. We started out by ferrying across the Puget Sound from W. Seattle to Southworth. The day was beautiful and the water so calm. It looked like glass. The tour started Thursday afternoon with a short trip to the Undersea Warfare Museam in Keyport, WA. This was a "get-your-feet-wet" tour to kick off the weekend. The museaum had a lot of neat things to see and Troy had fun explaining what we were seeing...I captured a picture of him looking through the periscope.
The fun thing about the Red Carpet Tour is that not only do the local club members come, but their friends to the North (Canadians) come down to participate. It is a great reunion for friends who love their cars and love to drive them. There is much laughter, great food, and new sights to see.
The Ferry Dock

The Ride Over

Troy Periscoping

The next day started out a little rocky for Troy and I. Seeing as how were were leading people we needed our truck to start. It didn't. You can see that having too many mechanics under the hood can hinder anything from getting done. We had no choice but to leave it. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it turns out we needed to include a lot of specifics for the cars following us. But, to make a long story short, the day turned out well and we learned what we need to do next time we lead a tour. With encouragement and help from my parents and their wonderful friends, we made it!
Gene and Rosalee have a 1963 Wildcat Convertible, which is the car we rode in on Friday morning. Their traveling companion, Chester, enjoyed many a breaths of fresh air hanging over the side of the car. The tour took us to a beautiful state park in Seabeck, WA. The views were stunningly beautiful and again, the water was like glass. It is most impressive.
Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen



Saturday went flawlessly because I made Troy drive the route Friday evening. Everyone loved the tour and we even made it to the ferry ontime for the "trip to Seattle" leg. Mom, Dad, Troy and I walked up to the Pike Place Market to look for a gift for my brother. My dad wanted to find the tiles that have mine and my brother's names on them. The upper level of the market is completely tiled. Each tile has someone's name engraved into them. We can always be a part of this historic place. The market was VERY crowded and has changed a lot since we were little. It seems to have lost a lot of its "artsy" feel and has turned into more of a tourist destination for the cruise ships that port in Seattle now. But, it is good revenue for the city and it is nice to share our special city with visitors. For lunch we went to Ivars on the Waterfront. Jill, we will go there when you and Dennis come to visit. The food was great! After, we went back to our hotel in Silverdale and enjoyed the Luau the hotel put on to celebrate Hawaii's 50th anniversary. It was a lot of fun!
Pike Place Market

Our Tiles

Maritime Seal on the Waterfront

Leaving the City on the Ferry

All in all it was a great weekend and we are looking forward to 2010!
Going Home
The fun thing about the Red Carpet Tour is that not only do the local club members come, but their friends to the North (Canadians) come down to participate. It is a great reunion for friends who love their cars and love to drive them. There is much laughter, great food, and new sights to see.

The next day started out a little rocky for Troy and I. Seeing as how were were leading people we needed our truck to start. It didn't. You can see that having too many mechanics under the hood can hinder anything from getting done. We had no choice but to leave it. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it turns out we needed to include a lot of specifics for the cars following us. But, to make a long story short, the day turned out well and we learned what we need to do next time we lead a tour. With encouragement and help from my parents and their wonderful friends, we made it!
Gene and Rosalee have a 1963 Wildcat Convertible, which is the car we rode in on Friday morning. Their traveling companion, Chester, enjoyed many a breaths of fresh air hanging over the side of the car. The tour took us to a beautiful state park in Seabeck, WA. The views were stunningly beautiful and again, the water was like glass. It is most impressive.

Saturday went flawlessly because I made Troy drive the route Friday evening. Everyone loved the tour and we even made it to the ferry ontime for the "trip to Seattle" leg. Mom, Dad, Troy and I walked up to the Pike Place Market to look for a gift for my brother. My dad wanted to find the tiles that have mine and my brother's names on them. The upper level of the market is completely tiled. Each tile has someone's name engraved into them. We can always be a part of this historic place. The market was VERY crowded and has changed a lot since we were little. It seems to have lost a lot of its "artsy" feel and has turned into more of a tourist destination for the cruise ships that port in Seattle now. But, it is good revenue for the city and it is nice to share our special city with visitors. For lunch we went to Ivars on the Waterfront. Jill, we will go there when you and Dennis come to visit. The food was great! After, we went back to our hotel in Silverdale and enjoyed the Luau the hotel put on to celebrate Hawaii's 50th anniversary. It was a lot of fun!

All in all it was a great weekend and we are looking forward to 2010!

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