Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fall Weekend

This weekend was spent doing outside chores before our weather turns this coming week. We are looking at highs in the 50s with rain. How depressing!

Steve & little Jack came over to help Troy move gravel to our garden. We are trying to clean up all of the space that isn't used, by leveling and laying gravel. They put down a couple of layers of newspaper, heavy-duty landscaping plastic, and then crushed gravel. It will keep the weeds and grass down, which will get SO OUT OF CONTROL if we don't do something. It is a lot of added work every spring and fall when we are trying to clean up the yard. It looks so very nice.

After that we went back to Steve & Nicole's house so that the boys could stain their front porch. I watched Jack while they spent four hours staining. It was quite the job, but it was very nice to get it done.

In the meantime, today is a sunny and beautiful day, with a crisp wind. It is my favorite fall weather. Troy and I are takikng a walk to get some fresh air. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that looks nice! Now you can come and have Steve and Troy do ours, okay?

    I can't wait to actually "see" it in May! We are saving that money for our trip. I call it "Our Seattle Trip Money."

    Glad that you guys are getting ready for fall. We still have lots to do and ouch, those don't seem like good highs. Not good at all!
