Last weekend marked the 7th annual Wise Women weekend that partakes every year in the fall. It is a group of women that I have become close to and share similar interests with. I am the baby of the group. Our ages range from 35 - 72. There is a lot of wisdom to be had. We stayed the weekend at a family condo of one of the women. It is on the Canadian border in Blain, WA. We pretty much had stormy weather, which made crafting indoors all the better, but the sun did peek out to warm our faces here and there. Debbie is one of my best girlfriends and someone I cherish greatly. We had a fun time combing the beach for aggots and seaglass.
Marina at twilight - Canada in the background
WOW! I will have to say Miss Laura, you take some great pictures! Seriously, you do a great job. They look really good and it looks like you had fun.